Sunday 2 October 2011

Album cover- Flat Plan

This is the flat plan for the CD/album cover that we will be producing. We wanted to carry on the theme of silhouettes from the advertisement, so we found this image that we think fits well. I think the images goes nicely with the album title, 'When she finds home', and also it shows how we are using range of locations. For the advertisement the photographs are in a studio, but for the album cover we think on location would look better, preferably somewhere like a beach. We discussed this in the group and thought it would be a good idea to try location shots and studio for both projects.
The colours for this image are more varied than the advertisement image, and we agreed that this may work better in this case. As with the advertisement, we will not need the model to wear make-up as her face will probably not be seen, but if we decide it will be, it would only be very slight. We like the type of costume in this image, as it is very summery and it is a nice type of beach wear,  we will no doubt be asking our model to wear a flowing dress and possibly a hat.
The font for the album is the same font used for the advertisement, which we have agreed will stay the bands 'signature' font. We think the black text goes well with the silhouette and stands out very clearly, whereas if we used any other colours it may look dull or clash.
The overall layout for the album cover is very simple, but effective, as everything seems to stand out, and nothing more is needed to make the album look good.

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