Monday 28 November 2011

Audience Survey. :)

We have created an online survey for our audience to complete. This will help us distinguish our target audience and find out more about them. We have asked basic questions that relate to our choice of work. Our survey will be placed below, feel free to fill it out, it would be greatly appreciated. :D Thankyou!

Editing begins!

After taking plenty of photos last week and repeatedly filming Brady running around in a field, we are ready to start filming. We need to choose our best clips and add a sepia tone effect, and then reverse half of the video. The music video should be around 4 minutes, half of which being reversed. :)

Thursday 17 November 2011

Starting to film. :)

On Monday we began filming our music video, we went to Herrington Park to film parts of the scene there. After trekking to the top of a hill, we filmed Brady and took photographs while we tried a few different techniques. The weather worked out well as we wanted it to be windy but still sunny. It was a productive day and we got lots filmed. On Wednesday we went to Seaburn Beach and and recorded more for our video. We managed to get a lot of clips of Brady standing by the sea and a few clips of the waves. It was quite cold but not as windy as we expected and because it was still sunny it made the clips look better. We will continue to film more next Monday and Wednesday to finish the video off then begin editing. 

Final Actors. (:

After discussing things in our group, we decided it would be best to use one of the members of our group as our female actress, the actress is Brady. After our search for a male actor was not as successful as we hoped, we had the thought of using Brady's boyfriend Nathan as the male. This means that they will both have a better connection in the video and they will be able to work well together with things being a lot more comfortable.

Insperational Text- Magazine Advert.

This is another inspirational text we found 'The Verve- Love Is Noise'. We think it fits with our genre well and is slightly similar to our other inspirational texts. I like the sepia tone of the image because it looks really detailed and interesting. The title and band name stands out well against the photo, and the font is effective. There is text below giving information about the album, the white looks good against the image, but it is slightly hard to read all of it, so white is maybe not the best colour. There is a limited colour palette but it works, because the image stands out a lot, meaning not as much colour is needed.
Although this is a completely different layout to our flat plan, I think it is a good advert and we could produce something similar to this. I like the vintage effect that is running through our whole idea and this could fit in with the category well. Despite the advert being quite plain, it is very effective and I think it would work well if we produced something like this. 

Monday 7 November 2011

Youtube videos.

Here are some youtube videos we found that include the type of effects we want to use in out music video. These are similar to how we want our video to look.

Reverse Effect. (:

This is a practice video we took while on our first photo shoot. After the first half of our music video, we want to reverse the next half, by taking the footage and adding a reverse effect. This means the first half will be normal, and the next half will be the same footage, but in reverse. We decided to film two members of the group as a practice and edit the video to see how it would look. The programme we used to edit the clip is Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. We are pleased with the outcome, and we also like the look of the sepia effect, which we managed to add to the footage. We have agreed that those are the types of effects we want to use for out final music video draft.

Insperational text- Album cover

This is another inspirational text that I think fits with the other inspirational texts I've looked at. This is the album cover for Adele 19, I like the shot for the cover image, because it is dark, but her face stands out. I like the shadowing and the bold plain text. I think that it is similar to our other choices, because her face cannot be seen as much, and the image is dark, which is the type of image we want for our cover. For our cover we decided we that we did not want to show all of our models face, which is the type of cover this album has, most of Adele's face cannot be seen which adds mystery. Like most of the other inspirational texts I have looked at, there isn't much colour to the image, it is very limited and mostly black and white. With this CD cover I think the limited colours work well, it allows you to see which part of the cover is the main point to focus on, in this case Adele's face. Apart from black and white, one of the only other colours used is the colour on Adele's face and hair, however even part of that is shaded so it looks black. The title of the album '19' stands out from artist name 'Adele' by using a different font. I think this looks better because it is a good way of separating the two, also the title is in baby pink, so it stands out just a little bit more.

Time Management

This is a timetable for our coursework. We have wrote on important dates that are mainly deadlines for our coursework. This is a way to keep us on target if we can stick to the timetable.